Is this the defining factor that the Mazda 3 has been missing all along?
The new Turbo Charged Mazda 3 that launched in 2019 was met with a mix of different emotions. Its bold new design was something that was much talked about and heavily debated among the loyalists of the Mazda brand. Most probably the shocking discussion on everyone’s lips was the engine line-up offerings. There are two different engines that Mazda are offering on the . A 1.5l petrol engine which delivers 88kw and 153nm of power and a 2.0l petrol engine delivering 121kw and 213nm of power. Neither of these engines are turbo charged. Was this decision deliberate or did they have other plans in mind?How exactly does a turbo charged increase its social value?

Is a turbo charged Mazda 3 worth the wait?
To a very few number of buyers, it most certainly is. The average consumer who does not really take exhilarating performance into consideration, the current offerings will do just fine. They are fuel efficient compared to the other vehicles in its class and offers a very comfortable driving experience that outweighs a minor lack in “performance”.